Welcome to efflux RC Leader's in quality EDF power systems.
email us at effluxrc@gmail.com We are located in California, U.S.A.
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email us at effluxrc@gmail.com We are located in California, U.S.A.
Efflux RC channel on YouTube:
Motion RC recommends efflux RC EDF upgrades for the "ARF plus" Freewing EDF jets
See the PODcast @ 59:00> minutes
Shown below is the 6s, Jetfan 80 set up (with available options) for the Avanti S and other Freewing 80mm Airframes
Similar 90 mm versions for 6s, 8s and up, are for the 90mm EDF's including the NEW F-4 Phantom
Efflux RC channel on YouTube:
Motion RC recommends efflux RC EDF upgrades for the "ARF plus" Freewing EDF jets
See the PODcast @ 59:00> minutes
Shown below is the 6s, Jetfan 80 set up (with available options) for the Avanti S and other Freewing 80mm Airframes
Similar 90 mm versions for 6s, 8s and up, are for the 90mm EDF's including the NEW F-4 Phantom
Designed and mfg'd by efflux RC ...... 69/70, 80, 90, 100 and 110 mm inlet adaptors.
Inlet adaptors to retrofit Wemotec Minifan and Mdifan, Jetfan, and Schubeler 80 and 90mm EDF into Freewing air frames.
See the Jetfan 80, 90 or Schubeler DS-38 and DS-51, or the Wemotec EDF page
Inlet adaptors for installing Jetfan 110 Pro units into the HSD F-16, Super Viper and J-10
See the Jetfan 110 page
Trailing link struts (by Jet-1A) for the The Sebart 90mm Avanti, L-39, and MB339 90mm Jets
Our 200+ mph Habu 32 EDF is awarded the "Best Electric Jet Performance" at the Best in the West Jet Rally. (Buttonwillow, CA)
Since 2009 Efflux RC has been providing EDF components, as well as assembled / dynamically balanced EDF units for discriminating RC model aircraft builders and pilots.
Our fan units are highly efficient 9-11 blade units (mostly of German design and manufacture). The impellers, and stators of these units are designed with the proper pitch and blade solidity for the best combination of STATIC THRUST and EFFLUX VELOCTIY. without being amp hungry. We only carry efficient, quality products.
Please see the product pages for the corresponding manufacturer application charts for possible motor/cell count data, for your desired thrust level. Please note that the bench test data for ALL EDF units. will produce 5-10% less thrust once installed into an air frame. All air frame designs are different and will yeild differing results due to internal ducting losses.
From a light weight, aerobatic jet, to a high powered machine ........ whether it be scratch built, an ARF, "kit plus" version, or an underpowered PNP jet, be it foam, built up, covered wood or an Epoxy/fiberglass composite, efflux RC can supply you with a quality EDF power system you will love!
With our quality ESC's and optional external BEC's and optional wiring, efflux RC can be your one stop EDF power system shop.
Team project: EB-66C: (Scratchbuilt) Power: efflux RC built, twin Jetfan 120 Pro EDFs.
Build thread link:
Visit us for helpful tips and the latest product updates at RC Groups.com
Our Sebart "Avanti Mini" 90mm demo jet:
EDF power is a Jetfan 90mm with a HET 700-68-1200 motor on 10s Lipo.
This EDF/motor combo will also run 12s.
EDF power is a Jetfan 90 with HET 700-68-1500 motor on 8s lipo
Chris (at left) flys our Habu 32, for a 1st place win in the Top Speed Contest at "The Big Jolt" event (Chino CA)
we continue to hold this record, 5+ years later (as of December 2019)
Brent flies our 12s HABU 32 to become "Fastest 32 on the planet" @ 208 mph
This race entry video of our Habu 32, race jet was later Dopplered @ 208 mph avg'd (217 mph down wind) Radar often reads a few mph slower, due to the "cosine effect"
link to RC Groups HAbu 32 race thread: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1520789
70mm SAPAC Viperjet.......
AMA show 2014:SECOND PLACE - "SCALE JET AIRCRAFT" for our 70mm, full composite F-20 Tigershark
One of our Habu 32's.. A popular fan / motor conversion is the Jetfan 80 EDF / HET motor ...call or email us for a 6s - 12s recommendation.
One of our Habu 32's.. A popular fan / motor conversion is the Jetfan 80 EDF / HET motor ...call or email us for a 6s - 12s recommendation.
While we do stock a few for EDF's, there are a large number of sizes and options available, many of these motors are built to order. Please note that the lead time on these motors can be from 5-6 weeks from MEGA in CZ to us. Please consider this BEFORE you place your order
"Engineering Excellence EDF" for our 70mm, SAPAC Viperjet
We offer WORLDWIDE SHIPPING Please Email or call us for international shipping pricing on larger boxes.
Thank you for visiting, Gary and Karen
Please visit our YouTube channel for bench test and filght videos